  • Capture key information succinctly to assess program performance and outcomes.
  • Help in understanding program effectiveness and informing future decisions.
  • Includes an example to illustrate how it can be used.

Benefits of Using the CQI Reporting Tool

The SEHEEF CQI Reporting Tool was developed as part of the SEHEEF Final Report, which was funded by the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) (from the National Priority Pool under the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program).

The CQI Annual Reporting Tool is directly linked to the CQI Planning Tool

It aims to capture key information, in a succinct way, that enables a robust understanding of the three performance measures: How much did we do? How well did we do it? What outcomes did we achieve?

In doing so, the tool should enable universities when completing, and the Department when reviewing initiatives, to better understand:

  • Whether the program is meeting its goals and objectives
  • Any implications for the program in terms of its design and implementation
  • The quantitative and qualitative methods that were used to collect data
  • The initial outcomes that the program, and its activities, are contributing towards.
Continuous Quality Improvement Program Logic Reporting SEHEEF Evaluation Activities
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