  • Help to allocate resources efficiently.
  • Help to establish and manage governance arrangements between universities and the government.
  • Provide a standard set of criteria to make an informed assessment of what programs to undertake impact evaluation.

Benefits of Using the SEHEEF Impact Evaluation Prioritisation Tool

The Impact Evaluation Prioritisation Tool provide a standard set of criteria that can be used by universities to make an informed assessment of what programs they will expose to impact evaluation, and why.

Applying these criteria to all HEPPP-funded programs within a university will enable a shortlist to be developed. This shortlist can then be stratified according to broad program characteristics such as the student life stage at which the program is implemented, program size (defined as % of overall HEPPP funding) and the primary equity group targeted. This is important to ensure that there is a variability in the programs selected for impact evaluation.

Impact Evaluation Quantitative Impact Evaluations SEHEEF Evaluation Activities Theory-based Impact Evaluations
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