  • Provide a summary of the number, reach and characteristics of HEPPP-funded activities within a university.
  • Provide additional information to support advanced quantitative analyses.
  • Enable evaluation of individual programs at the university and national levels.

Benefits of Using the CQI Data Reporting Tool

The SEHEEF Program Data Reporting Tool was developed as part of the SEHEEF Final Report, which was funded by the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) (from the National Priority Pool under the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program).

The CQI Program Data Reporting Tool provides a summary of the number, reach and characteristics of HEPPP-funded activities within a university. It also provides additional information on the characteristics of projects to support advanced quantitative analyses and evaluation of individual programs at the university and national levels.

Continuous Quality Improvement Program Logic Reporting SEHEEF Evaluation Activities
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