  • Clarify program goals, data needs, and evaluation methods.
  • Enable CQI planning is considered alongside program planning.
  • Include an example to illustrate how the tool can be used.

Benefits of Using the CQI Planning Tool

The SEHEEF CQI Planning Tool was developed as part of the SEHEEF Final Report, which was funded by the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) (from the National Priority Pool under the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program).

The tool offers a standardised approach to CQI planning presents which may have multiple benefits:
  • Ensuring there is a clearer articulation of what programs will do, who they will affect, and what outcomes they intend to achieve.
  • Ensuring that CQI planning is considered alongside program planning, defining data requirements for performance measurement and data collection methods.
  • Providing DESE with a tool that enables a streamlined process for identifying what universities are planning to deliver and how they intend to collect information to inform CQI within those plans.
  • Providing universities with a systematic, consistent, and logical tool that is informed by (and links to) other components in the SEHEEF, thereby helping to embed evaluative thinking.
  • Aligning plans with CQI reporting, supporting improved accountability.
  • Reducing the burden on universities, while also offering better alignment to subsequent progress reporting requirements.
Continuous Quality Improvement Evaluation Planning Program Logic SEHEEF Evaluation Activities
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